Symposium Abstracts 2022

2022 Symposium Poster

Click image for larger size - Thanks to Don Boushelle for the cover design.

2022 Symposium Programclick here

7:30AM to 8:45AM
Registration, Check-in
8:45AM to 9:00AM
Les Presmyk and Catie Sandoval - Welcoming Remarks
9:00AM to 10:00AM
Charlie Connell – Mining Equipment Demonstrations
10:00AM to 10:40AM
David Joyce – Mineral Collecting on the Bay of Fundy
10:40AM to 11:20AM
Richard Zimmerman – Fluid Inclusions and Negative Crystals
11:20AM to 12:00PM
Dr. Ray Grant – Arizona Vanadinite
12:00PM to 1:30PM
1:30PM to 2:10PM
Mark Hay – Vanadinite, Field Collecting in Western Arizona
2:10PM to 2:50PM
Stan Celestian – The Hidden Treasures of the L.A. County Museum
2:50PM to 3:20PM
Tom Kaye – Laser Stimulated Fluorescence from Earth to Mars
3:20PM to 3:45PM
3:45PM to 4:25PM
Dr. Tony Gleckler – Lighting Your Minerals: How your lights, your eyes and your rocks all interact
4:25PM to 5:05PM
Anna Domitrovic: – Mines and Minerals of Pearce and Courtland, Cochise County, Arizona

the program/abstract is in pdf format and will open in new tab or be saved locally depending on your browser settings

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