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10 September 2024Information
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Hello, I work for the VA in Phoenix and I am coordinating a HOBBY FAIR; I would love it if someone from a gem and mineral club could set up a table on October 10, and discuss with individuals who stop by, about your organization or several organizations in the Valley. This is October 10 from 10-1, with setup starting at 9:00 a.m. I would be happy to help with any setup. And I will send additional information including our cover letter and registration form. Thank you. Barb Tennis
Howdy y’all:
I have both about twenty-five pounds of petrified wood and also Silurian fossils for sale if any of you are passing through the Pine/Strawberry area off of Highway 87. I will accept any reasonable offer.
~ Lee Littler
8748 West Antelope Drive
Strawberry, Az 85544-2591
Hello, I am Arthur L Flagg’s granddaughter and was pleasantly surprised to recently learn that the foundation is up and running. My father, Edward Flagg, would be very pleased. The last I knew the collection was locked away upstairs in the museum in Phoenix. My niece Carrie Flagg-Nester has filled me in on the small amount that she has learned about the work of the foundation and I am interested in learning more. I no longer live in Arizona but will be there in mid-September and would love to see what is happening and talk to anyone interested in any information that I may have. I have recently finished reading 37 years of my grandfather’s diaries, which were about as exciting as watching paint dry, but then an occasional gem of information would be tucked away in some of the writings. Knowing that he was a voracious writer I was shocked that the diaries suddenly ended in 1937 and wonder to this day if there were more recent volumes in my uncle Richard Flagg’s collection, but will never know since he passed away before I could ask him. I am also in possession of some of his and other’s writing while in Mexico during the revolution of 1910. Interesting reading, but not directly related to the mining activities. Keep up the good work and would love to learn more or impart any information that I may have.
Hi Mary,
Thank you for sharing your information! While the museum in Phoenix is closed, there is a special exhibit of some of Arthur Flagg’s specimens at the University of Arizona. Additionally, specimens and ephemera from your grandfather’s collection were displayed at the Tucson Show. Our Chairman, Phil Richardson, has contributed greatly to your grandfather’s legacy by writing an excellent article that was published in Rocks & Minerals magazine. Additional biographies and photos of specimens, etc. appeared in the Mineralogical Record magazine.
We would love for you to attend one of our meetings—it would be great to meet and talk with you and the FMF is always eager to learn more about Mr. Flagg. We have maintained a special suite from your father’s collection but we know frustratingly little about his life other than what has already been published. Please stay in touch and feel free to contact the FMF if we can help you learn more in any way.