Symposium Abstracts 2014

2014 Cover

Click image for larger size - Poster design by Harvey Jong
2014 Symposium Cover Photo Credits
Upper left: Gold, Sunshine #8 claim, near Castle Hot Springs, Arizona, Les and Paula Presmyk specimen, Jeff Scovil photo
Upper right: Gold, Mystic mine, near Sun City, Arizona, Les and Paula Presmyk specimen, Jeff Scovil photo
Middle: Gold pyritohedron crystal, Gold Eye mine, La Cholla Placers, Arizona, Steve Hunt specimen, Erik Melchiorre photo
Lower left: Gold on goethite, 50 miles south of Quartzsite, Arizona, Les and Paula Presmyk specimen, Jeff Scovil photo
Lower right: Gold, Yuba mine, Greaterville, Arizona, Les and Paula Presmyk specimen, Jeff Scovil photo

2014 Symposium Programclick here

9:00-9:40 - Geobacter in Arizona - Brian Beck
9:40-10:20 - Crystallized Gypsum Deposits of the San Pedro River Basin - Barbara Muntyan
10:50-11:30 - Geodes, Septarians and Thunder Eggs, Their Structure and Origin - Dick Zimmerman
11:30-12:10 - A Brief History of Mineral Magazines of the World - Gunther Neumeier
1:30-2:10 - Arizona's Gold and Silver Mining, Why More Specimens Were Not Saved or Why We Should Be Thankful for the Ones that Were - Les Presmyk
2:10-2:50 - Fingerprinting Oorigins of Placer Gold from Vulture and Rich Hill - Trica Reed and Chelsea Sheets-Harris
3:20-4:00 - Revisiting the Eastern Flanks of the Santa Rita Mountains, Greaterville and Rosemont, Pima County - Anna Domitrovic
4:00-4:20 - New Ideas on the Origin of Oil and Real Diamonds: A Herkimer Quartz Diamond and Diamondoid Case History from New York - Stan Keith

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